Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Christmas Carol

In the chapter, "It's more than just rain or snow", Foster says that snow can beused to create almost any mood in a story such as happiness and loneliness. This can be seen in the christmas movie, "A Christmas Carol". Ebenezzer Scrooge is a perfect representation of a mood of lonileness set by the snow curing christmas that sets him off. As he goes through these three dreams of ghosts he is suddenly changed into a new mood of happiness that he has never felt in a long time. The snow during Christmas after that point of his life brings him joy.

Metamorphisis Irony

In the beginning of "the Metamorphisis" Kafka uses Foster's strategy of irony with Gregor's work chief showing up at his house when he doesnt show up at work. On page one Gregor talks about not liking the chief when he says he wants to tell him what he really feels about him. Then the chief comes all the way from work to his house to confront Gregor for only being late for work. This is like Foster's example of irony.


In, "The Metamorphisis", Frank Kafka uses Foster's strategy of symbols with the way Gregor is treated by his family to show how he felt with his own family. He was also resented by his parents despite what he did for them. The fact that he doesn't give the father or other names is because he doesnt fell they deserved to be reognized in the story.

Saving Private Ryan

In the book, "How to read literature like a professor", Foster states that a quest in a story will always be about self-knowledge and the given reason for the quest will never be the true deeper reason. A prime example of a quest is shown by the movie,"Saving Private Ryan". The group of soldiers think they're going on a simple mission to bring a soldier home. Instead, all but two of them die and they obtain self-knowledge about why they are in the war in the fist place, to fight. The deeper meaning behind the failed quest is to show the brotherhodd of soldiers during the first World War. The true reason behind them going to the bridge at the end is to defend the bridge and fight instead of ust getting Private Ryan and going home.

Left Behind

In the chapter, "More than its gonna hurt you: concerning violence", Fostwer says that an author will kill characters to make action, cause plot complications, and plot complications, and to put characters under stress. (pg 80). This strategy can be seen in the Left Behind Series by Tim Lahaye. In the book series about the tribulation seen in the New Testament of the Bible, main characters of the story eventually always get killed off adding stress to those still living. It also causes plot complications as it surprises the reader who did not expect a main character to die. This strategy keeps the audience wondering what will happen next.

Frosty the Snowman

In the chapter, "It's more than just rain or snow", foster states that snow can be used to create any mood in a story such as happiness and lonileness or death and life. In the story Frosty the Snowman snow is used to be inviting and playful (pg. 80) as the group of children build the snowman that magically come to life. Then as it gets hotter the snpow is used to show life melting away as the snowman begins to turn into water.

Metamorphis: From the Bible

In, "The Metamorphisis", when Gregor first wakes up and is all of a sudden transformed it is like being saved or born again as said in the bible. One second you're just human and the next you're transformed into a follower of christ. This is an example of what Foster talks aboutin chapter "It's from the Bible".