Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Foster Connections

Remember, this total assignment requires that you make at least 20 connections to Foster’s ideas/chapters; 10 of these connections MUST come from different Foster chapters. At LEAST 10 of these MUST apply to "The Metamorphisis"(This short story text is posted at www.colquitt.k12.ga.us/aplang/); DO NOT POST "METAMORPHISIS" connections here. The 10 non-"Metamorphisis" connections should be independent observation connections which relate to what Foster himself described the patterns of “novels, stories, plays, poems, songs, operas, films, television, commercials and. . . a variety of electronic media." NOTE: you may not use the examples Foster provides in the text. These must be original to your experience—after all, he tells us that’s all we have to work with when we read a text anyway.Organize these findings any way that works for you: graphic organizer, outline, bulleted list, double-entry Cornell style note-page —you decide, only be sure that your form of organization follows the pattern of organization—what am I talking about (what chapter? What pattern? What image? What idea?), where is the evidence (cite if from written text--the story, novel, poem; summarize if from film, novel, TV), how & why does “it” (the evidence) prove/IMPACT my "what? If you need to see a model of several methods for connecting, see my Colquitt County High School webpage OR you may post FIVE independent observation connections--HERE, one observation at a time-- & respond to TWO other postings on this our class Google blogspot. To do this, you will need a gmail account & might need to be invited by me the author of the blog; click on my model post under "comments" then begin posting at any time.

1 comment:

  1. Traci Jones Model; NOTE I label the WHAT, WHERE & HOW/WHY/IMPACT of analysis; you DO NOT have to label similarly (feel free to post a comment on my post):
    While watching "Toy Story 3,"[WHAT} I was struck by the scene where Lotsa Bear is telling his abandonment story and, as he looks into his owner's window and sees his replacement, it begins to rain outside where he is standing{WHAT & WHERE}. And, of course, I thought of Foster. Was this a baptism{WHAT} (chapter 18/WHERE)? He is certainly transformed. And, if so,its certainly a negative one {HOW/WHY/IMPACT}which would mean "irony trumps everything" (Chapter26/WHERE) and this seasonal event (Chapter 20/WHERE)would mark the ironic cleansing and turning point in Lotsa's life making him the jaded, cruel leader we see as an audience in the film{HOW/WHY/IMPACT}. Or is the ever increasing deluge drowning? {WHAT} in which case would more reflect the example given by Foster on page 153-54 {WHERE}where Conrad in "Ordinary People" who "should have died out in that storm. . . isn't the same Conrad [or Lotsa] we. . .met before the storm." {WHERE & IMPACT}I tend to favor the drowning theory due to fact that, even when given a new kind of family at the daycare & forgiveness,love, a second chance later in the film, Lotsa never really is transformed back to the good Lotsa as real baptisms should--he was just too far gone, too drowned, early on to ever know how to show or accept lotsa love again{HOW/WHY/IMPACT}.
