Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau & Yes, She's a Christ Figure, Too

David Norris, a young congressman soon to be Senator of New York, witnesses something that will change his life forever. He finds out that there is an organization that keeps watch of every person in world and makes sure that everything goeas according to "plan". David, now knowing about this "bureau", must keep quite and follow the plan or he will be "restarted", which means he must stay away from the women he loves or he will ruin his life and hers. Showing mercy, an agent named Harry, from the bureau, risk his life to help David to make his own destiny with his one and only. In the end, "The Chairman" of the Bureau, who writes the plans, gives David and Elise the oppurtunity to write their own future, together. Foster didn't only talk about alluding to the Bible, but about how certain characters could be seen as christ figures. Harry could be seen as a christ figure, due to his ability to help humans instead of "controlling" them. His ability to sacrifice his life to help not only a human, but a friend. Also faced his God (The Chairman) and let humans have the chance to write their path towards the future.

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