Sunday, August 7, 2011

Shawshank Redemption

What: Andy Duffrane is a newly welcomed convict, due to "murder". After 15 years of doing time, he discovers that he was framed for the crime he has committed. With corruption all around him, he then escape thru a sewage drain to the pouring rain of freedom.
Where: Foster talks about how being dropped in water can have different symbolic meaning: Drowning or Baptism
Why: When Andy finally makes his escape out of his cell, he is faced with a real "crappy" problem. Andy is forced to crawel 500 yards thru poop and into the pouring rain in which he falls face first into a puddle. Foster states that falling into some type of water source symbolizes either drowning or baptism. The crap could symbolize Andy's failures, sin, or wrong-doings. Once Andy fell into the puddle and rose up to the pouring rain, it proved that he came out "clean" and he was reborn back into the world.

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